Seven has always been my favorite number. If anyone grabs it before me, I'll switch to 3. But, 7 has always been mine. Once, someone told me seven was perfect because it is the number of sides to a person:
1. Above
2. Below
3. Behind
4. Front
5. Left
6. Right
7. Within
Creepy, right! Freaks me out too. I bet your sitting in your chair, pointing out the directions with your finger just like I did. I also bet you tried to find a six sided dice and are adding up the sides. I did that too.
Seven is also the number of my other favorite things.....sins. Now, don't get your Catholic up and think I'm being fresh. Sins can be fun if you let them and they don't hurt anyone.
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Pride in yourself is important. Pride can be negative. But it also refers to a satisfied sense of attachment toward one's own or another's
choices and actions and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, or a
fulfilled feeling of belonging (totally stole some of that from
Wikipedia). Bring prideful doesn't mean your vain. It means you
know you rock. I am proud of myself for quitting my job and removing
myself from a terrible situation. I'm prideful.
Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
We are all guilty. Even you over there, shaking your head, thinking "I'm just so happy with myself. I wouldn't want to be anyone else". I call bullshit. I am envious that Jenna Dewan gets to rub up against Channing Tatums tight abs every day. I envy Jennifer Aniston for her perfect body even though she smokes like a chimney and drinks like a fish. I want Idina Menzels voice, Julia Roberts hair (even though mine is pretty awesome - oh look, PRIDE!!) and Gwen Stefanis abs. I have envy.
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Um....all I have to say is bacon, cake, pulled pork, cheese, frosting, corn dog etc. I am a glutton.
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

Duh! Daily! I lust.
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury.
I think anger is healthy. I wouldn't necessarily say I spurn love and opt for fury. But, sometimes you need to get angry. It is the only way to get through to a person. If you keep all of the negative thoughts and feelings all bottled up inside. You're gonna go all Kracatoa one day and split yourself six ways to Sunday. Stewing in your own juices is not good unless you are a pot roast. I am angry.
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain.
If we didn't have greed, no one would want more. More. It's a relative term. But, no one can say they are truly happy with what they have. Even if it's a simple thing like a few extra bucks to buy those boots your best friend has (ooooh....ENVY!) or enough money to take your family on a vacation. That is the good thing about greed. I am greedy.
Sloth is the avoidance of physical work.
Hey, sometimes I just don't want to do the dishes right after dinner. I've been known to leave my cereal bowl in the sink for a day. Right now, I'm looking at my filthy car which is covered in salt, sand and the remains of my 2 day road trip. It's parked next to a sparkling Prius that looks like it just came of the show room floor. Meh?! I just don't feel like dragging my lazy ass into the car, driving to the car wash and getting it done. We need to be lazy sometimes. It makes is proud of ourselves (PRIDE!!!) when we finally get around to the task or when we do something right the first time. I embrace my slothness!
Sinners, embrace the seven. Remember, it's the perfect number for each side of you.