
Here are is a list of restaurants I have personally visited and I believe to be utterly fabulous.  You might even see me there if you go.  Come over and say hi.  I love the attention.  This list will be added to.  Make sure you stop back often. (Many of these link to the associated websites for you to check out the menu)


Aqua Grille - Sandwich, - Dinner and cooking classes READ REVIEW!
Brazilian Grill - Main Street, Hyannis - Lunch & Dinner
Buca's Tuscan Roadhouse - Depot Road, Harwich - Dinner
Chatham Fish Pier - Shore Road, Chatham - Lunch and the freshest seafood anywhere.
Colombo's - Main Street, Hyannis - Lunch, Dinner
The Corner Store - Queen Anne Road, Chatham - Breakfast & Lunch - ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!
Cottage Street Bakery - Cottage Street, Orleans, MA - Lunch and Bakery
The Daily Paper - West Main Street, Hyannis - Breakfast, Lunch READ REVIEW!
Embargo - Main Street, Hyannis - Tapas and Bar scene
The Hole - Main Street, Orleans - Breakfast & Lunch - The best homemade donuts in the whole wide world.
Land Ho! - Main Street, Orleans - Lunch, Dinner and  Live Music
Le Petit France Cafe - Main Street, Hyannis - Lunch and Bakery Items
Lost Dog Pub - Route 134, East Dennis - Lunch, Dinner, Live Music
Pain D'Avion - Hinckley Road, Hyannis  - Cafe fare - lunch and dinner.  READ REVIEW!
Roadhouse - South Street, Hyannis - Lunch, Dinner, Live Music

In Places Other Than Cape Cod

I'm working on it!  I've been busy!


  1. Sounds like you like some good places! There are many more! Do you have a sister? You sound wonderfully delightful!!!

  2. have you tried baileys in wareham?
