Thursday, August 13, 2009

Popping My Cherry and Bouncing on Big K

I'm still recovering from my weekend in hell and trying to catch up on everything that I missed. Four days may not seem like a long time, but for Partner #3, you'd think I've been gone 6 months. Yesterday, he told me he appreciated me.

(I'll give you a minute to compose yourselves. I was a shock to me as well.)

Well, he didn't tell me to my face. He left me a voice mail. And, yes....I saved it. I will need next time he leaves me in a puddle of tears and I'm contemplating running out into traffic.

Poor TH. You'd think that I've been gone for six months with him as well. I've been chasing him around the house for the past 3 days, trying to mount him every hour or so. The poor man is exhausted when he gets home from work. Instead of being greeted by his smiley, happy wife when he opens the door to the house, he's greeted by a sexual demon who is foaming at the mouth and begging for a quickie before dinner. I really think I have worn him out this time.

I forgot to tell you all about my guest post. Mad Woman from Mind of A Mad Woman asked me to guest blog for her while she's moving to New Zealand. This was my first guest post, y'all! (Except for the time I did a HASAY post for lovely Miss Casey)

So go over and check her out. Read all about the reasons you should NEVER ask me to guest blog!


  1. Your public has demanded answers as to how you did in the race and yet you spurn us. We demand answers woman. Go mount your husband, have a few orgasms and bust out a triathlon post dammit!

  2. Yay for catching up on the nookie, but like Daddy Files said... what about the race?

  3. Sounds like lots of fun adult action going on in that household.

  4. Poor Big K. I think you need a stand in so he can take a nap or something.

  5. JR should be so lucky. Half the time he has to do a lot of nudging and winking. It does not pay to get old.

  6. Why don't I get chased around the house like that?

  7. Captain would be so jealous if he read this post.

  8. I return ... head hanging down ... asking for your forgiveness. It has been several months since my last confes .... no, since I've been here to read. I've got a lot of catching up to do.

    And you are SO going to guest post at my new blog.
