We decided to see "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". I brought rations.
Yes, I have a Jessica Simpson fetish. But, I digress....
And so we drank, we watched and we cried our pretty, little faces off. A note for the future: Sad movie and a drink that contains 4 different kinds of alcohol all mixed together to form a 1,000 proof cocktail....these things do not mix. We sniffed and blubbered the entire movie. Sure there were funny parts. We laughed. But, every scene that was a tiniest bit sappy, we were balling our eyes out. At the end, we were outright sobbing. The surrounding movie goers didn't seem to bat an eye. Of course, I did get a strange look as I poured the second glass. To the untrained, non-drinking ear it sounded like I was peeing on the floor and the smell of Peach Schnapps was heavy in the air.
I confess, I'm not a big fan of The Pitt. But, after a glass (and those are huge glasses) of Sangria, I was having sick, twisted fantasies about him.
Then the little, red haired girl and I decided to hit the local Mexican food bar to polish off a few more cocktails. Today, I am hating the fact that I decided on two gigantic Cabo Wabo Margaritas, on the rocks with salt. But, last night it seem perfectly logical to add yet another type of alcohol to the other 4 that were rolling around in my nearly empty stomach.
I will confess, (as I have in past posts) I never have luck with female friends. To date, the only other woman that I can honestly say I love hanging with is Daddyfiles wife, MJ. But, the poor girl has been stricken with stress and a nasty case of the flu. I am anxiously awaiting her return to normalcy. Firecrotch is a damn fine chick. I was hesitant to befriend someone who was that much younger than me. (24 yrs vs. 31 yrs) But, this girl is funny, super smart, can talk dirty with the best of them and has a level of maturity that far exceeds her age group. We compared sex toys and I gave her tips on enjoying anal sex. We discussed sexual positions, possible G-Spot locations and compared our men's sexual prowess. It was wonderfully refreshing to be so open about all of it and she didn't bat an eye. Then, just as easily as we discussed naughtiness, we launch into a banter on the art of war, books, crime and philosophy.
When I returned home at 11:30 PM (I was suppose to be home around 7ish), Big K was not amused at my tipsy state or the fact that I had totally abandoned the plan to bring home dinner and he had to make due with leftovers. The fridge was full of yummy stuff. Do not pity him. He also got some I'm-tipsy-so-I'll-try-to-Rock-Your-World marathon sex. He made out fine.
Whataboutme? Today, I am still burping up Sangria. If you wave a bottle of Peach Schnapps under my nose I will probably puke. I've eaten a huge bacon, egg and cheese bagel sandwich (Sorry Princess HASAY! Diet/gym starts Monday) and umpteen cups of coffee. My tongue feels like sandpaper and I reek of booze. I wasn't even drunk last night. Just pleasantly tipsy. Why do I smell like I've been embalmed in Sangria? Probably because I cried out all the water in my body and replaced it with alcohol. Damn Brad Pitt!
It sounds like you girls had a blast. I am just jealous I wasn't around to join in the fun. I could have been the age bridge a 27 to go between your 31 and her 24. That sounds slightly dirty...oops
ReplyDeleteWhen my wife comes home tipsy or drunk, I don't get sex. I get burped on, and thus contact-drunk from the smell of alcohol on her breath.
ReplyDeleteI love redheads. Firecrotch sounds delightful. Once my wife makes a full recovery I'm sending her out with you two immediately, because my chances of getting sex increase exponentially after she's had 3 or more drinks!
ReplyDeleteKat: Your next trip to the States, you must stop by! That does sound dirty! Good girl!!
ReplyDeleteBadass: I will admitt, just before it started getting good I thought I might barf on Big K. Thankfully, he distracted me.
Daddyfiles: We will get her bombed and return her to you with some good porn.
Ok, so now I'm jealous that I live so far away and have these damn kids tying down my social life. I'd totally be up for a night of drinking, movies and dirty talk. I'm not a good female friend maker either, chicks are always surrounded by too much drama.
ReplyDeleteCasey: Don't you need a vacation where the temperature is below freezing and there is icy snow on the ground??? I have a guest room!!!
ReplyDeleteSo, who was driving during all of this? haha
ReplyDeleteRachel: Because the drinks weren't consumed in record breaking time and we both live very close to the theatre and restaurant, driving was not an issue.
ReplyDeleteSangria? Brilliant. Wife and I could have brought some to Quantum of Solace yesterday. Then I could have cried at all the damage inflicted on his Aston Martin.
ReplyDeleteCapt. Dumbass: I cried during that movie. I was sad he didn't get naked again! That man is FINE!!!
ReplyDeleteFun times, fun times!!! LOL...
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great Friday to me! My best friend and I always bring our own "drinks" to the theater, but we got caught last time by some annoying little usher who took his job too seriously, and he threatened to have us arrested if we didn't leave. The movie sucked anyway, Skippy.
ReplyDeleteSo, now we just try to hit the theater that actually serves you drinks and food right there in the comfy seats.
Pitt's never done much for me either, except for Fight Club.
You'll be fine. All that matters is that you had a good time. Just tell people it's a new perfume you're testing out.